Saturday February 11, 2006 ~ Slowly but surely more information is allowed into the mainstream media. We should demand to know exactly WHO is in charge ~ how did a certain select few HUMANS become inspired with the notion that they are omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent?
Karl Rove is undoubtedly one of the most devious politicians in history and it is no secret he studies Hitler's "Architect," 'religiously'. He has taken the Christ out of Christian and made it a political weapon. Also, the "Architect of the Iraq War," Paul Wolfowitz and the "Prince of Darkness," Richard Perle joined Rove, et al, in using the stark tone of evil versus good ~ the "worship of death" and "philosophy of despair" versus our "love of life and democracy" ~ clearly, to manipulate and control. (thank you StealthBadger for the Karl Rove 'insight' link)
~ visual iconography about the true story of the United States of America as it evolves into the 21st Century ~ works of art
by an eclectic master artist who is a true patriot of the Planet Earth ~
Unfortunately, the American Enterprise Institute in Washington DC is America's quasi-government.
Peak Oil has been real for Bush I & II, et al, for more than three decades, as well as the implications of how the USD shall fare with respect to these times.
The problem ~ their agenda "Total Spectrum Dominance" does not come
from a higher calling and desperation drives people into "playing dice with God" ~ to what risk level were these people willing to go?
Google has excellent videos
to watch so that we may continue to question this governing body who
believe warmongering is somehow from God and then sell through Rove's
"genius" a pack of lies about freedom, democracy, and Christianity,
using the name of Jesus in utter contemptuous vanity. Rove is no
genius, he is merely a marketing tycoon of evil and furthermore it is
clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that these people are not inspired by
any Creator of Love.
I pose the question ~ WHO is the "Anti-Christ?"
StaC4d tahcqvjvlnhd, [url=]mmsbpofyqdfb[/url], [link=]fzcbcqgtogiz[/link],
Posted by: ameqtlsocty | Monday, March 14, 2011 at 05:44 AM
Welcome home StealthBadger!
Yes, the slime leading the blind are beginning to wet their underwear while they simultaneously soil their drawers. What Rove's dreams must be like since they are clearly turning into his worst nightmare. He apparently learned nothing of genuine value from the Nixon fiasco.
Oh how I do enjoy watching their narcissistic egos squirm, writhe and die, as all viruses do once the infection fighter is applied.
SB ~ do read the links on the new post I just put up today ~ "Reasons for War"
Hopefully we can all stop the madness with the great American dream still actively marching in our hearts and souls as the energy of altruism.
Posted by: Roberta Kelly | Tuesday, February 07, 2006 at 05:27 PM
Ack! "Like this" should have been "like this." ^.^
Posted by: StealthBadger | Tuesday, February 07, 2006 at 04:57 PM
It wasn't directed at you, Roberta. The argument downthread was my main motivation for checking back here, especially as things like this only continue to solidify my opinion of Rove.
I very much apologize if I have given offense.
Posted by: StealthBadger | Tuesday, February 07, 2006 at 04:56 PM
StealthBadger: You said -
"Not arguing about the argument anymore, since you won't even use the words with their dictionary definitions. . ."
I honestly do not understand what you mean. And, for that matter, I do not know whether or not you are directing this comment to me, personally.
But, I decided to respond, anyway.
Thanks for continuing to post on godsmadmen.
It is always a pleasure to find you have taken the time to read, and write.
It burns a lot of energy in thinking contemplatively, about what is going on during these times.
To organize thoughts and then use the English language to put these atomic particles all together, as an intelligent discourse, what does all this pandemonium going on - really and truly demonstrate?
I think I see, on the horizon, the giant barge beginning to turn around and the small body of water in which it is stuck - such filth - the rats jumping ship shall drown in their own pollution.
Metaphorically speaking, of course.
Unfortunately, these Democratic war hawks, Murtha and Dicks, are finding out that Dick Cheney and Karl Rove have been making domestic and foreign policy and it has never been about democracy or patriotism.
I sincerely have compassion for the pain they shall suffer, every moment now in the conscious-waking world, for the brainwashing they have participated in and the robotic behavior that they marched in unison with.
Money and power.
Those of US who are not embarrassed to be tree huggers, liberals, peaceniks and other names associated with - anti - torture, war, destruction of the planet . . . welcome the new doves into our world of global humanitarian, ethics and integrity.
Gandhi is applauding because we did not give up the peaceful demonstration for the human soul.
Time to wake up and get ready for the true story.
It is going to be very interesting, once the people find out, why we are, actually experiencing, such insanity, globally, at this point in "evolution.(?)"
The rapture-aholics, cannot be in charge during this scientific experiment of "survival of the fittest." They're too scary and the thought of being lifted out of my clothing, up into heaven where streets of gold are the norm, is quite simply, just not my cup of tea.
I mean, really, why do I want to be running around naked on streets of gold in heaven? I must deductively reason this out in my head.
SB: I have never figured out whether you are right or left and not that it matters, anyway.
During the coming years there is no such thing as divided, there is only working together to create small village-like communities, and these communities must be energy self-reliant and know how to grow lots and lots of agriculture without petroleum-based pesticides.
Bush lied and today more people know it than those who knew it, already, since he told his first lie.
Rove continues to try and spin his web of deception and Cheney is still spinning around and around, just like Bush and Rove.
Libby falling on his sword for Cheney, just plain and simple, will not cut it, for Fitzpatrick and those of us in the US, who choose to NOT wear the emerald green glasses.
Unfortunately, the “trickle down theory” of economics, known better as “Reaganomics,” is still not working. As a matter of fact, it has only gotten worse.
These super rich think their fantasy of global domination, is the answer, to the US and our 5% population abusing 25% of the Earth’s resources.
Sorry, all you blue-blood wannabe twits, get to lose in the stock market, too. The Carlyle Group and its many umbrellas. DEFENSE, OIL, and last, but not least, the NEWS and MEDIA.
Perhaps special interests in private investments is not the best platform for public servants.
Thanks again StealthBadger -
for joining US, and please invite everyone you know and those you may not even know, yet ;-) rkelly
Posted by: Roberta Kelly | Saturday, November 26, 2005 at 08:46 AM
Not arguing about the argument anymore, since you won't even use the words with their dictionary definitions, but it's pretty obvious where Karl is going, however fast or slow this destination arrives; the life of a singularly bitter old man.
I just wonder if he'll have a deathbed conversion the way Atwater did... :D
Posted by: StealthBadger | Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at 10:56 AM
"Karl Rove stole letterhead In the autumn election season of 1970, a chubby, simpering and bespectacled teenager turned up at the Chicago campaign headquarters of Alan Dixon, a Democrat running for state treasurer in Illinois. No one paid the newcomer much attention when he arrived, or when he left soon afterwards. Nor did anyone in the office make the connection between the mystery volunteer and 1,000 invitations on campaign stationery that began circulating in Chicago's red-light district and soup kitchens, promising "free beer, free food, girls and a good time for nothing" for all-comers at Dixon's headquarters.
A report was published in the Washington Post on August 10, 1973, titled "[Republican party] Probes Official as Teacher of Tricks", gave an account, based on tape recordings, of how Rove and a colleague had been touring the country giving young Republicans political combat training, in which they recalled their feats of Republic partisanship, such as Rove's Chicago theft at the Dixon headquarters.
Rove, became the National Chairman of the College Republicans (1973-1974).
As chairman, Rove had access to many powerful politicians and government officials during the Watergate scandal, including then CIA director George H.W. Bush.
Rove’s greatest claim to fame at the time was that he had introduced Bush to Lee *(Atwater- “godfather of dirty tricks”).
According to the Washington Post, the two men executed a balls-to-the-wall campaign to put Rove in the catbird's seat, and once there, he wasted no time getting his group involved in dirty tricks on behalf of Richard M Nixon's 1972 campaign. You may remember that campaign, it was the beginning of Watergate.
Oxymoronically, Rove dropped out of college to become executive director of the College Republicans, all the while practicing dirty tricks on behalf of the candidates of his choice.
According the Post, these tricks included identity theft, petty larceny and campaign fraud. Rove characterized these felonies and misdemeanors as a "youthful prank".
Rove worked in various Republican circles and assisted George H.W. Bush’s 1980 presidential campaign.
The "Dixon" incident marked the genesis of the Rove Bush axis and it was in Washington that Rove met the younger Bush. He literally fell in love with the future President’s son.
A signature tactic of Rove was to attack an opponent on the opponent’s strongest issue. Another tactic used since high school, was to launch smear campaigns against any political rival no matter how insignificant. Rove early on was a master at slander, usually imputing sexual deviations to his opponents but always being careful to divorce himself from the resulting reactions.
Reports in his school files indicate that he was repeatedly warned by school authorities about these allegations of sexual deviancy but Rove always very smugly denied being their author.
Every day for two years, during the campaign for George W Bush, as Governor of Texas, the Bush campaign put out negative stories about Governor Richards, hinting she was soft on crime and overly fond of homosexuals, culminating in a devastating revelation that a prominent Richards appointee had lied about her college education.
Rove is known for his unconventional political tactics of dirty tricks."
"George W. Bush -was the kind of candidate and officeholder political hacks like me wait a lifetime to be associated with." Karl C. Rove
(2005, Karl Rove biography, the holland sentinel)
Think about it for a minute - Swift Boats, John Kerry; Whisper smears about John McCain and Vietnam, fathering a black child, etc; Dan Rather's "documents regarding GWBs Texas National Guard; and, last BUT NOT least, the "Yellow Cake Fraud Documents," from Italy, delivered somehow to the White House.
Pee Wee Herman can sing a song about this one, "la la la, connect the dots."
Posted by: Roberta | Saturday, November 05, 2005 at 04:07 PM
Stealthbadger, you wrote:
"I'd love to see your justification for that statement."
You want me to justify stating that unwise people doing unintelligent things is cliche? Things become cliche by occurring frequently. You don't think that unwise people frequently do unintelligent things?
"If, as you've been doing, I just pronounce what I say truth and what the other person says noise, I can do that as well; . . ."
I have no idea what this is about. When did I simply declare what I say to be "true?"
"Or you don't like it when someone uses a little discipline, intelligence and courtesy in their rather angry rebuttal."
Discipline, especially intellectual discipline, intelligence and courtesy are always welcome. And you can disagree all you want, especially if you can support your position with evidence.
You stated: "So, in the time they have available, they look for people who make noises similar to the noises they want made, and pick that person. Pretty logical, if most of the noise-makers weren't liars."
It may be logical if you are a duck or a goose looking for a pond to land on. If you are an even marginally intelligent human being, you try to look beyond the noise.
Posted by: LarryO | Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 01:45 PM
But how useful... frequently as to be cliche.
I'd love to see your justification for that statement. I suspect there would be a lot more people dead on the highways if it were true. If it were true, then the videos you see of people doing amazingly stupid things wouldn't be amazing now, would they?
Second, you say that unwise actions
It's called defining terms in order to make discussion possible. If, as you've been doing, I just pronounce what I say truth and what the other person says noise, I can do that as well; it would take a lot less effort. Your call.
So, having... question senseless.
Or you don't like it when someone uses a little discipline, intelligence and courtesy in their rather angry rebuttal.
Just sayin'.
I am cut to the quick.
Nice attempt at grabbing the intellectual high ground. Buh bye.
Posted by: StealthBadger | Thursday, October 20, 2005 at 01:18 PM
"I find it a useful thing to distinguish between unwise actions and unintelligent people at this point. The former reflects a tendency to make poor choices, in this case because of a dogmatic or ideological blind spot."
* * *
"Who is doing the measuring, and in what context are they placing that measure in?"
But how useful is the distinction between unwise actions and unintelligent people in the context of the unintelligent person doing an unwise thing? That occurs so frequently as to be cliche.
Second, you say that unwise actions reflect "a tendency to make poor choices." That is true, of course; it is a truism. It is true by definition. Alas, as is the case with all truisms, it teaches nothing; it sheds no light.
So, having erected a distinction without a difference and, hiding behind it, having launched a salvo of meaningless tautology, you pronounce my question senseless.
I am cut to the quick.
Posted by: LarryO | Monday, October 03, 2005 at 10:49 PM
i think what the people in the east side, those who are on the earth, which provides the habitat for people who are "asian," etc., call it like it is - "ignorant" - unfortunately, most human beings are ignorant about many things, not just politics.
these members of our race, homo-sapien, believe our first ignorance is about true spirituality. what should they know about this? well, the taoist practices have been around for about 9,500 years now.
the Tao Te Ching is one of the most profound works ever given to humanity and Lao Tzu was/is its "creator?" /author.
Lao Tzu became so disgusted with "humans" that he left "civilization" and it is said when he rode out past the great gate of China, he was on an ass and riding backwards, handing the Tao Te Ching to the gate keeper.
now, you would think this great work would be important to the people of this planet, each and every one. but, no, we are more ignorant today than when Lao Tzu left us a road map to enlightenment.
Posted by: roberta | Friday, September 30, 2005 at 03:05 PM
"Oh, I know that 20%-30% of the voting public is committed to some kind of fundamentalist religiosity or other, and that Bush received overwhelming support from that community, but I don't regard those people as very intelligent.
Do you?"
I find it a useful thing to distinguish between unwise actions and unintelligent people at this point. The former reflects a tendency to make poor choices, in this case because of a dogmatic or ideological blind spot. The latter is, if possible, even more subjective and much more condescending. It's also unprovable.
It's obvious when somebody does something unwise. We all do it. But unintelligent? When dealing with 99% of the population, indelligence is a useless, politically loaded term which is never invoked with some very necessary information: Who is doing the measuring, and in what context are they placing that measure in?
So I'll answer your question by saying that it makes no sense.
Posted by: StealthBadger | Saturday, September 24, 2005 at 09:02 PM
Stealthbadger, you wrote:
"People are not stupid. They're primarily concerned with their lives, and little or no effort has been expended by the mainstream media to demonstrate to them how their lives are impacted by, and how they can in turn effect, their local political process. They are, in short, brilliantly misinformed as to the necessity, accessibility, and purposes of the political process."
Failing to see what is right in front of one's face is either due to blindness or it is due to stupidity. And there are none so blind as them who will not see.
I don't get my information from the mainstream media - nor does anyone I know - precisely because it has been marching in lockstep to Bush's tune for more than 5 years now. It seems to me that an intelligent person must see to it that he or she stays well informed or must abandon any pretense of being mentally acute.
It has become apparent that less than half the people that voted for President in 2004 voted for Bush, but still, many, many people voted for him. Unless one is a member of the top 1/2% of the country's money earners, voting for Bush is an act of stupidity, plain and simple.
Oh, I know that 20%-30% of the voting public is committed to some kind of fundamentalist religiosity or other, and that Bush received overwhelming support from that community, but I don't regard those people as very intelligent.
Do you?
Posted by: LarryO | Monday, September 19, 2005 at 04:08 PM
I don't really disagree with what you say.
I do think that people have responsibility to educate themselves. The society does make great demands on people's lives and time, granted. But I don't see much distinction between stupid people reaching a tragic conclsion and tragic people reaching a stupid conclusion.
The fact is that "wedge" issues and personal attacks work.
I have a friend who did quite a lot of federal prison time as a result of George Jackson Brigade activity. She and I go round and round on this. She, taking the position that people are not stupid and me insisting that they are.
Striking a pose along the lines of private utility ownership, for profit health care, an absurd and adventurist foreign policy, creationism, the polls that show 80% of Americans believe in guardian angels, should be announced to the world tentatively. But, its propoents, finding the people simple enough to believe anything, pass quietly from absurd to mainstream and soon we all act like their notions are business as usual.
One thing seems clear to me. Citizens of the USA have the government they deserve.
Posted by: michael bailey | Monday, September 19, 2005 at 01:53 PM
Er. The issues are trust for some, and quiet despair for others (what else can you call giving up because there's no hope of affecting anything?)
Sorry for not previewing carefully.
Posted by: StealthBadger | Sunday, September 18, 2005 at 11:04 AM
Bailey, I think you and many others are dead wrong. The issue is not one of stupidity; The issues are trust.
Most people living in this country do not have, are not encouraged and taught as children to seek, and show no sign of being allowed as adults to have the time to study what's going on so they can make informed decisions about politics. So, in the time they have available, they look for people who make noises similar to the noises they want made, and pick that person. Pretty logical, if most of the noise-makers weren't liars.
With media consolidation, local news segments are vanishing, contributing to a national level "nothing to see here, move along" at the local level of politics (which is why freaks like Eugene DelGaudio get elected to Loudoun County board of supervisors). Carefully scripted appearances that are designed to look off-the-cuff put across the illusion that opining about life-and-death matters can and should be done with the same amount of mental effort and concern as taking a dump, and with about as much consequence, since the most anybody ever has to do is apologize, and that rarely. Unless you're Newsweek retracting a story that actually turned out to be true, of course.
People are not stupid. They're primarily concerned with their lives, and little or no effort has been expended by the mainstream media to demonstrate to them how their lives are impacted by, and how they can in turn effect, their local political process. They are, in short, brilliantly misinformed as to the necessity, accessibility, and purposes of the political process.
Then again, given how much money is required to participate these days, maybe they're not misinformed about its accessibility so much. Which makes it unsurprising that a large number of people hope that the economic health of the nation will somewhat reflect their own fortunes, and that the very rich will hopefully protect the former. Even less surprising is the massive number of this country's citizens who, rather than picking sides, simply decline to participate at all.
Posted by: StealthBadger | Sunday, September 18, 2005 at 11:02 AM
I actually think Karl Rove is pretty brilliant. Political correctness inhibits many of us from using words like "stupid." It hasn't slowed Karl down. He knows more than anyone in America how utterly childlike Americans are and how easily they can be manipulated, lied to and convinced to cut their own throats.
I was recently asked to think of a slogan to use for a campaign to get rid of Rove.
Here is my suggestion:
"Dump Rove: He KNOWS How Stupid You Are."
Posted by: michael bailey | Wednesday, August 31, 2005 at 10:29 AM