". . . FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: JANUARY 31, 2007 3:09 PM CONTACT: Center for Constitutional Rights Jen Nessel Phone: 212-614-6449 ~ TODAY European, international, and U.S. legal and human
rights groups issued an open letter warning of the illegality of any
offensive military action by the United States against Iran.

Open Letter to All Members of Congress, the Bush Administration And the U.S. Armed Forces From Legal and Human Rights Groups:
There are
increasing indications that the Bush administration intends to take
military action against Iran. There are also indications that the
administration would support military action by Israel against Iran.
The undersigned
organizations issue this Open Letter to All Members of Congress, the
Administration and the U.S. Armed Forces to reiterate their affirmative
duties to prevent military action and to refrain from ongoing threats
to peace.
Such military
action would be illegal, and any member of the administration, the
military or Congress supporting such action would be aiding and
abetting this violation." <Continue reading by clicking on link "violation">
Cat Stevens shares the real IRAN *
* not AT ALL what the INSANE "Illuminati" envisions and then brainwashes the stupids into believing their vile plan is righteous!
The Man Behind the Curtain
POLITICALPONEROLOGY? "The Scientific Study of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes ~ by Andrew M. Lobaczewski ~ The first manuscript of this book went into the fire five minutes before the arrival of the secret police in Communist Poland. The second copy, reassembled painfully by scientists working under impossible conditions of repression, was sent via a courier to the Vatican. Its receipt was never acknowledged, no word was ever heard from the courier - the manuscript and all the valuable data was lost. The third copy was produced after one of the scientists working on the project escaped to America in the 1980s. Zbigniew Brzezinski suppressed it."
Clearly, America's governing bodies have been stolen by psychopaths
Please READ pdf Political Ponerology ~ BONES OF WAR
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